Friday, April 20, 2007

I ride, i ride, through the western tide,
i stare at the sunset, let evil things hide,
i yearn for joys that cannot be, will not be, so long as they hide
firelight, body warmth, laughter and the loyal company,
night be outside the hearth,trust and love that you find in me,

I turn, i turn, around what is now a burn,
i feel the darkness waiting, what-nots inside,
i long to see them, to free them, yet from fear of me they will hide,
faith that is shaken, light that will fail, and they huddle before me,
dark be outside my heart, hope and warmth that i bring with me,

I hide, i hide, from the morning blaze,
i know the light shall burn, the evils inside,
i reach for my mask, helm hauberk and shield, in the light i hide,
shadows i cast, dreams i dream, inside my armor, inside me,
dark be inside my heart, for those i love, i carry them in me.

song of the flame that lives.
19th of April 2007

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